SexQ: BB, PnP, Orgy! follows two fictional characters through an open exchange of pertinent questions and discussion regarding sex resembling real-life situations faced by gay men and MSMs. The PSA addresses relevant issues such as sex without protection, substance use, and sex with multiple partners to encourage gay men and MSMs to be smart about their sex life and to protect themselves and their partner(s).
SexQ: BB, PnP, Orgy! aims to encourage open and frank discussion among the gay, bi, and men who have sex with men (MSM). If you have any question, feel free to contact ACAS: Men's Program (416) 963-4300. Happy Pride Week!
SexQ: BB, PnP, Orgy! aims to encourage open and frank discussion among the gay, bi, and men who have sex with men (MSM). If you have any question, feel free to contact ACAS: Men's Program (416) 963-4300. Happy Pride Week!