A great relationship is one of the finest things life can offer. But lasting happiness seems hard to achieve. Sadly, too many relationships end up being weighted down by unresolved difficulties. Walls can build over time. Good feelings can seem to get lost. All relationships run into rough spots. To have lasting satisfaction, you need to know how to keep love strong and to truly resolve problems, upsets or differences. If you do not have the uplifting relationship you want things can change and you can do something about it.
it’s no myth that women often want the same thing out of relationships as men do; they just go about getting it in different ways and in different phases of their lives, what each woman needs, wants, and expects from her relationship may change from one phase of her life to the next.
Make time for conversations where you find out what your partner has experienced lately. Express fondness, appreciation, and admiration for your partner often. Acknowledge your partners interests, even in small moments. Avoid the “Four Horsemen” of Relationship: criticism, contempt, defensiveness (which follows criticism and contempt), and stonewalling (that is, when one partner completely shuts down and refuses to respond). This part i am totally guilty. If I am bothered about something or if I am irritated about what my partner did or didnt do i just completely shuts down and not utter anything about it. I am learning now and slowly opening up. Patience!! i know its complicated to figure me out…but in time!
source: http://ernamendoza.wordpress.com/2010/07/20/great-relationship/