from a yahoo group … as a romance novel lover, i cant agree more.
Dan Hite
To your question of whether readers prefer two powerful men in gay
romance stories or one powerful man, I love one alpha type and
one good guy type. They are both powerful in their own way. The
alpha is a fighter and risk taker, will protect his guy with his
life. He is powerful in a physical and intellectual way. The good
guy is just as powerful, his goodness may be beauty or may be hard
working and loyalty. He may be physically and/or intellectually
vulnerable but spirtually captivating, like a beautiful statue, or
beautiful landscape, or beautifule piece of music; his
goodness touches your soul. The dance between the two, the conflict
between the two, and finally their inseperable unity against world is
the most beaustiful story. The alpha is physically and
intellectually powerful and the good guy is spirtually powerful. The
alpha may have all the things the world would think anybody would
want, but he wants that unspeakable thing the good guy has or is.
Thanks for all the tips about the gay romance sites. I had no idea.